Our Mission
HurriKanen’s Kids is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and education purposes in order to enrich the lives of families affected by pediatric cancer with a goal of eradicating it. Hurrikanen's Kids 5 year strategic aim is to be able to expand support to families nationwide & contribute to medical & holistic treatment research.
In 2020 during the launch of HurriKanen’s Kids we look forward to holding events to raise money for assisting families and assisting research. We will also offer resources and classes to keep families educated and up to date on clinical trials and navigational information that will make their experience a little easier when it comes to childhood cancer and treatment.
Programs & Initiatives
Hurrikanen’s Welcome Bags
In 2023
, these backpacks are going to be filled with lots of things newly diagnosed pediatric cancer families need and some things that brought Kanen & his family comfort during his journey.
For us to fill each backpack with essentials and small comforts for families we need to raise $130 per bag! We hope to eventually add tools like iPads and smartbooks for each family as they are truly a lifeline for families in treatment. The more funding we raise the more resources we can connect families to!